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Mid Carolina Little League

Mid Carolina Little League


2025 Registration Dates and Locations

Spring Season
  • Registration:  January 15, 2025 - February 7, 2025
  • Online Registration at
  • Practice and game schedules are not determined until after registration ends and teams are drafted.  Practice times are selected by the manger of the team.  All teams are given one weekday practice and one weekend practice slot to start the season.  There are not pre-determined days of the week that a division will practice or play but are determined after registration closes.
Registration Cost

Spring Season
T-ball......................................................................................$50.00  (uniform includes jersey and hat)
Junior Coaches Pitch.............................................................$75.00  (uniform includes jersey and hat)
Coaches Pitch-Intermediate..................................................$90.00  (uniform includes jersey and hat (baseball) or socks (softball))

*Registration must be paid in full by Evaluations or the player is not eligible to be drafted to a team until the balance is paid.

Tournament (All-Stars) Season (players must meet spring participation requirements and also be selected to a tournament team)
All Divisions..........................................................................$70.00

Breakdown of League Costs for Spring Season

Little League Fees and Insurance.....................................$12
Equipment, Balls and Field Prep.......................................$5
Field Maintenance.............................................................$9
Field Rental.......................................................................$23

Total Costs per kid for Spring Season..........................$125

Our registration fees are less than the cost per kid for the Spring Season.  We do not get funding from Newberry County or local municipalities.  The reason we are able to keep the costs as low as we do is because of the community involvement, donations and fundraising.


Mid Carolina Little League firmly believes that each child who wishes to play baseball or softball should have the opportunity to do so regardless of skill, gender, or financial circumstances.

To aid parents who may need assistance with registration fees, MCLL offers scholarships to cover a portion or all of the registration fees.  The scholarship program is funded by individual donations.

To be eligible for a scholarship, the following information must be provided to MCLL:
  1.  A detailed explanation of the financial hardship with supporting documentation.
  2. MCLL registration containing all of the player's information (contact information, address, etc.)
  3. Proof of residency indicating that the player(s) reside(s) within League boundaries.
  4. Proof of age indicating that the player(s) meet(s) Little League requirements in order to play in the League.


Mid Carolina Little League
Mid Carolina Little League, PO Box 67
Peak, South Carolina 29122

Phone: 803-530-1645
Email: [email protected]

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